Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
February 22nd, 2010It’s Tuesday morning, February 16 and we’re 80 miles off the coast of Panama, having drifted all night swordfishing. At first light we fire the MAN’s, set out the hard marlin troll spread and head in towards the grounds at Banco Hannibal. I’m up top checking the instruments, position, etc. when out of the corner of my eye I spot a panga with four guys, machine guns, and black ski masks coming on @ 50 knots. In 15 seconds they’re alongside and the first guy is already onboard.
Ummm…that CAN’T be the end of the story! Good thing I know you are home or I might be panicking. Now, please finish the story! I’m guessing the Panamanian flag signals that they were official?!
What the fuck. Nobody keeps an audience hanging like that. Please tell me more!
Great trip…thanks for all the good stories and memories and the opportunity to battle the big black.
When you finish telling the boarding story make sure you tell everyone about chickenpox, Zarpe, 21 different species of fish, a couple notable misses, etc, etc.