on the road again

February 21st, 2007

Arriving Panama City tonight.

3 Responses to “on the road again”

  • On February 21st Randy G said:

    Wishin ya good traveling and safe seas with a return trip that makes good traveling complete. Enjoy reading of your trip and lookin at the pics!
    Keep on havin fun.

  • On February 23rd Little Steve of the Fin-atic said:

    Hey Harry! Hows the trip coming so far? Any stops at Los Suenos?

  • On February 23rd Little Steve of the Fin-atic said:

    woops, didnt go back far enough to read your posts. It sounds like you’re having a blast. Take care!

christmas eve in a safe port

February 18th, 2007

with a live volcano!

One Response to “christmas eve in a safe port”

  • On February 19th dave nolt said:

    Harry, noticed an 75′ ( Lady Holly) Mickelson in Cabo on the 13th, beautifull yacht. Are you fishing on the Gulf side??, when you return on your voyage


February 18th, 2007

!saved by the e.salvador navy

February 18th, 2007

top secret. international wench in distress.
hi Jose

stone cold

January 25th, 2007

Even frozen,southern Lancaster County is still special and it’s home.Thumper at least is warm and in the very capable hands of Capt.Doug Wallis of Seattle.Doug is supervising some minor repair work while we are waiting for a weather window to continue our tour.Inta’s kneecap was knocked out of place in the storm and her Doctor’s are attempting repair without surgery.Capt.Paul (superfish)Vissicchio is the connection in Panama City when you need to Git er done.Many thanks for his invaluable unselfish assistence and friendship.Also many thanks again to Gabe for attempting to bring my sliderule mind into the digital world.Looking forward to many exciting fishing adventures in 07 with Thumper and Capt.Tom and hope you are planning to come along.

One Response to “stone cold”

  • On May 10th Charmian said:

    PLEASE tell me if you are talking about the same Paul Vissicchio that used to live in Hatteras, NC. Please tell him that Charmian is really tryin to find him and that I miss and love him so much!! Tell him Sarg. would love to see him. Please let me know! I hope this is him. He is just like a brother to me!

    Thank you,


Captain Tom Milligan

January 18th, 2007

Many thanks and gratitude to our eastern shore waterman for bringing us through.

Gamboa Rainforest Resort

January 16th, 2007

 Spending our last few days in Panama with Maya and Gabe on the Chagres River in the Parque Soberania.Did a Jungle Canopy trip today,visited an Orchid nursery and an Indio Kuna Camp.Tomorrow we head back to civilization with a trip to Old Town,Panama City and then to Flamenco Marina and a revitalized Thumper.Be home friday

2 Responses to “Gamboa Rainforest Resort”

  • On January 17th Mother said:

    We’ll be anxious to see you. I’ll stop over Thursday with a few provisions for the fridge. Love to the four of you.

  • On January 17th Henry and Niki and Ziggy and Zoey said:

    Woo hoo! See you all soon!
    Luv us

5000 miles

January 15th, 2007

Since limping into Panama City 4 days ago we have restored power for the first time and are back online.Many thanks to Gabe for keeping everyone up to date during our repair phase.The geek even sent you pictures.Due to continued weather conditions we have had to cancel our Panama Canal passage scheduled for tomorrow.Instead we are leaving Thumper in Flamenco Marina on the Pacific side and returning home for some much needed R&R.We will return and continue the next 2000 mile leg to Isla when we get the next weather window.

Panama update and Pictures!

January 14th, 2007

The boat is coming back to life with repairs scheduled for all day today and tomorrow. We have scheduled passage through the canal on Tuesday–hopefully we’ll be ready!

You want pictures? Okay, ask and you shall receive.

I grabbed these off of Jeff Banta’s camera – he was nice enough to give Harry and Inta his digital camera after theirs disappeared.

imgp1145.jpg imgp1154.jpg

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imgp1279.jpg imgp1314.jpg

3 Responses to “Panama update and Pictures!”

  • On January 14th JB said:

    Great Pictures! Keep um coming. That Dorado looks yummie.

  • On January 14th Your sister, Peggy said:

    Fantastic photos! Inta, you go girl!

    Great news about the repairs…..was just talking to Mother and I got on your website and read the lastest news to her. She is very happy you are scheduled for passage through the canal on Tuesday…..hopefully.

    Have a great time with Maya and Gabe!

    Lots of love,

  • On January 15th DON NOLT said:

    Pictures rule! Thank you much. I hope you rub the sides when you go thru and make the canal happy. Don

Maya and Gabe in Panama

January 12th, 2007

Maya and I arrived in Panama City, Panama just after 8 p.m. last night. We hadn’t been in touch with Thumper since Wednesday morning when Harry said they were badly beat up by a freak storm trying to cross the Bay of Panama and they were still 70 miles from Panama City. Originally, we had intended to stay the night in a hotel and then take a short plane flight today to Piñas Bay, the home of the Tropic Star Lodge and some of the Pacific’s best sport-fishing. Plans change though, so we got the hotel driver to take us to Flamenco Marina where Harry said he was intending to make repairs. We had no way to get in touch with them, though, to find out where exactly they might be… or if they had made it at all! Our driver Edwin was kind and patient though as we drove around marinas asking about Thumper and Harry and Inta. On a hunch, Maya decided to check the bar and lo!

Salty Harry & Inta

There they were. They’d found fishing-buddy friends already and we’re about to leave for a well-needed sleep in a shore-side bed at a nearby hotel. Our arrival had them stay a bit longer and share a meal of whole fried snapper and fried plantains as well as several local beers. Then we were off to our respective lodgings and we’re about to go meet up with them to assess the damage on the boat and what it’ll take to get her sea-worthy again. More later…
A monkey at our hotel watching us eat breakfast!
A monkey at our hotel watching us eat breakfast.

One Response to “Maya and Gabe in Panama”

  • On January 12th DON NOLT said:

    Pictures! What are they worth? At least a thousand words. Nice to see someone embrace modern technology. You guys look great. Nice to see Harry hasn’t lost his love of climbing trees.