It’s all about the fishing

March 17th, 2010

The eclectic group from around the world cruising the docks at Golfito aren’t there for the nite life(there isn’t any).They are looking for stars, but not the hollywood type.The superstars of Golfito are the world famous Captains that call it home.Any perusal of the IGFA world record book will yield Golfito as location on more world records past and present than any spot on the globe.For those looking to post numbers of Marlin to their resume on standard tackle,Capt.Tom Lynskey is your man. Capt Abraham Conception former IGFA Captain of the year has been hosting world class fly fisherman such as Stu Apte et al. for many years.If you want to try your hand at Marlin or other finny critters on the fly,he’s the man.Then there’s the top IGFA world record guide of all time,Capt.Bobby McGuinness.With over 140 present and past world records to his credit Capt.Bobby is the dean of the fleet.Serious anglers worldwide search out Bobby to put then on their chosen line class Pacific target species.Then there’s Thumper.We eat our catch.Stop by and say hi during the Costa Rican Classic next week out of Fishhook Marina.Bring your own Soy and Wasabi.

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