goin’ to the Banko

January 31st, 2011

leaving first light Weds.Feb2 for round two.So far this season our score is 54 sails,1 striped,9 blues,3 blacks released with 1 blue muerte in 9 offshore days billfishing.We’ve had some huge fish beat us but experience is lenghtening our odds of future success.We are sticking with the 50 and 80 standup rigs for the Marlin and will try to be more agressive with the boat tactics.The local sailfish bite 12 miles off Matapalo(31 miles from Golfito) is developing finally with double digit shots the norm(a month late for some reason only the fish understand).First light Thurs.we will be working the Panama location we found last trip except with hardhats and kevlar vests mandatory.Will spend 1 night trying to unravel the swordfish bite.We are all set up to do some serious deep drop fishing this trip and have some new numbers to work.Still have 2 March and 1 April trip scheduled and depending on results will determine how we set up next season.Google banko hannibal,panama for more info on area.

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